The Partners
Integrate consists of partner organizations that are leaders in their respective fields, including private companies, universities, and Danish and international public institutions. Have a closer look below.
I•GIS is a highly specialized GIS and geoscience company located in Aarhus, Denmark, with clients spread all over the world. They develop software and IT technology and perform consulting tasks within geoscience. They are also deeply engaged in research and development, both nationally and internationally. Their observations of the market, customers, and technology indicate that the technologies developed in the INTEGRATE project will pave the way to new lucrative markets.
Through participation in the project, I•GIS will continue to develop new and improved tools for (geo)statistical modeling and cloud computing, stemming from research and leaning towards the end user's workflows. The project enables their portfolio of modeling and data processing solutions to include tools for decision-makers within the specialized field of raw material mapping in the future. However, it is expected that the methods and software solutions developed in connection with the project will be applicable within a wide range of other areas, thus benefiting both existing and future customers.
Department of Geoscience, AU, has a strong history in both geology and geophysics, with a focus on numerical modelling. AU provides expert competences in quantitative characterization of geology, geophysics, and the integration of the two fields, especially related to near surface geology. AU believes the project will strengthen AUs’ position as one of the world’s leading universities related to combining geological and geophysical
RM is the authority within the fields of soil pollution and natural resources and coordinates regional development within nature, environment, climate adaptation, business, and tourism. RM is responsible for mapping and planning of the raw material resources on land. RM establishes the
guidelines for raw material extraction and designates the extraction areas. The regions are the authority to issue permits to extract resources and must consider many land interests in connection with this.
An important role for the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) is exploiting and protecting geological resources in Denmark and Greenland. A key competence in GEUS is the geological interpretation of
geophysical (especially EM) data and the integration of geological knowledge into probabilistic workflows. GEUS is currently making research in this area with the goal to develop 3D modelling techniques for a national 3D geological model for Denmark. GEUS sees a great potential for the project - both scientifically, commercially, and especially, for the society.
UC’s experience spans several geophysical methods (seismics to EM). UC developed 3D EM modeling tools, crucial for quantifying the modeling error; implemented Machine Learning EM inversions with results comparable to the state-of-the-art 1D strategies, but real-time; developed workflows for geostatistical integrations of geophysical/geological data. So, the project goals are coherent with the future UC’s (probabilistic) developments, and, at the same time, can rely on its present expertise.
SGU is a governmental agency under the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation. SGU collects various types of data and integrates them to map the geology in 3D. SGU has acquired data to map quick clays that may cause landslides. SGU has received funding to collect data for modeling of the mineral resources. SGU will share both datasets and evaluate the tools developed within this project to analyse the uncertainties of the final models that ultimately lead to more useful services to the society.
The Region of Southern Denmark is the authority within the fields of soil pollution and natural resources and coordinates regional development within nature, environment, climate adaptation, business, and tourism. We are responsible for mapping and planning of the raw material resources on land, and establishes the guidelines for raw material extraction and designates the extraction areas, as well as supporting circular economy in use of raw resources. The regions are the authority to issue permits to extract resources.